The scientific method is a very reliable way to find out the truth in simple organized steps it can be used to answer questions and find out a truthful answer…Just what we need!
There is also another method to conclude truths ONLY ONCE you have observed it to be true or found it to be the truth by the scientific method; it is called “Deductive Reasoning” (also "law of detachment”) this method for seeking truth is often used in mathematics to find new mathematical laws (called postulates) but can also be used to logically conclude anything. It finds another truth by using the original truth.[1]
This is how it works:
If the hypothesis [Beginning statement] of a statement (represented by the letter A) is true, then the conclusion [from the beginning statement] (represented by the letter B) will also be true:
in other words:
If A is true, then B is true: If A= Then B [1]
“If A= The sky is blue, then B= When I look up at the sky, I’m looking at blue.”
"If A=It is morning, then B= There will be Bird's chirping"
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[A] Chapter 2 "reasoning and proof" Lession 4 "Deductive Reasoning" pg 106 Prentice Hall "Geometry" 2011 Edition by Randall I.Charles,Bosia Hall Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River New Jersey
[B] Basic-Mathmatics "Law of Detachment" by Jetser Carasco 2008